The Society’s greatest triumph to date came in 1994, when it campaigned vigorously against the decision by English Heritage not to include Chalgrove Field (right) on the proposed Battlefields Register (left).
[Campaigning at Chalgrove by members of the English Civil War Society (left), and County Councillor David Turner and Lord Buckinghamshire (right), with members of Col. John Hampden’s Regiment]
As a result of lobbying by the Society and its supporters (some from as far away as New Zealand), backed up by considerable research by members of the Chalgrove Battle Group, English Heritage agreed to include Chalgrove on the Register.
To celebrate this achievement a special dinner (left) was held in the prestigious Spread Eagle Hotel in Thame on 20 June 1995, and this has since become an annual event on the Saturday nearest to 18th June, with a guest speaker.