The Earl of Buckinghamshire at the Society's 20th anniversary service in Great Hampden Church

The Ship Money monument at Prestwood

The Palace of Westminster in the 17th century

Pyrton Manor, home of John Hampden's first wife

The former Lord Williams's Grammar School, Thame

The Earl of Buckinghamshire at the 350th anniversary ceremony in Thame

St Mary Magdalene church, Great Hampden

Charles I tries to arrest the Five Members in the House of Commons

John Hampden's funeral in 1643

Arthur Goodwin, Hampden's lifelong friend
Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth. Reproduced by permission of Chatsworth Settlement Trustees.

The Great Hall at Hampden House

St Mary Magdalene church and Hampden House

Hampden's regiment marching through Thame

AGM Sunday, March 23rd 2025 – 4pm UK time

This will a Zoom event. A link will be circulated to members at a later date. In common with many other voluntary organisations, the John Hampden Society will be switching to an online AGM. If connecting via Zoom presents you with any particular difficulties please contact either the Treasurer, Sam Hearn or the Chair Beth Rogers as soon as possible.

Nomination forms and reports will be circulated in advance, but you are welcome to send nominations or self-nominations for roles and/or general committee duties by email to the secretary – Anthea Coles.

You may also volunteer for one-off specific roles without committee responsibilities, such as schools liaison, Hampden information board application, Downing Street campaign. If these roles sound intriguing – please contact Beth Rogers for more information!

Please send your apologies to Anthea Coles if you are unable to attend.