John Hampden ‘The Patriot’ did not own slaves or invest in any enterprise based on the use of slave labour. Nor did he either directly or indirectly engage in slave trading. Several of his political associates invested in the short lived Providence Island Company that did own African slaves. Hampden was offered land in Connecticut by Lord Saye and Sele but appears not to have taken up this offer.
The Reverend John Hampden (c. 1785-1847) and his brother the Reverend Renn Hampden, the sons of John Hampden of Christ Church Barbados owned slaves and slave plantations on that island. No genealogical link has been established between the family of the seventeenth century John Hampden and the nineteenth century Barbados based Hampden family. More information is available on the website of the UCL Centre for Study of the Legacies of British Slavery